Sunday, March 1, 2009


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Tank - Alexander Wang
Jeans - Topshop
Purse - Fendi
Sandals - Lanvin

So it's been snowing on and off today which is extremely frustrating. Personally, I dislike snow unless if it stays clean and white which is practically impossible where I live. Also, I CANNOT wait to get myself new summer items, I'm dying for those Lanvin sandals and a nice tan! But, I must admit that this situation makes me think of how I couldn't wait to wear boots and pack on my sweaters at the end of last summer. I guess I could laugh at how I'm never satisfied with myself !

Image source: polyvore


Mette said...

Love the colour on that tank!

filthy lust said...

i'm waiting for winter.

Anonymous said...

awww how lovely!!! this outfit is the perfect reminder of sexii in the summer..oooh im a soo looking forward to tanning in the sun and then putting on that aqua colored tank!! ughhh!!! but mine will be home made since A.Wang is too expensive for basics..ahh I love your blog and this is my first visit let alone i didnt even make it down the first page in its entirety yet hahha...i think i might add you, i hate favoring one particular blog group and its time for some new inspiration on my side bar!

yeah its been a Noreaster here! i couldnt believe it! and i thought we were soooo close to spring and sumer :( i had no Uni today which is odd since most times city schools rarely close YAHH to blogging for the day :)

come for a visit sometime and tell me what ya think!