Monday, March 2, 2009


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Zipper Pants. Hot Minis. Sexy Shoes. Blazers & Leather. Thigh Highs.

This collection is amazing, no doubt. I also love the makeup, it's so natural and refreshing.My only concern is that it is very current and doesn't really foreshadow many future fashions, but I really wouldn't mind seeing these on everyday people next fall! Or will it get boring? What do you think?

Image source: modelcouture


Mette said...

Nice! Love the shoes!

h said...

i don't like the shoes but these outfits are totally amazing!!!

Stephanie said...

I love the trousers in the last row

Andy said...

I'm not a fan of the shoes neither but it's an amazing collection seriously nice stuff !

Fashionista Diary said...

woah that is a knockout! great collection xo