Tuesday, November 24, 2009


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While I don't usually use this term, I must admit that Robert Pattinson is sex on legs. And of course, I saw New Moon haha :) And for all of you Twilight fanatics (not so sure there are many here) I have to say that I don't know which side to choose. I mean now that Taylor Lautner's hair is short, and his abs are well amazing, it's pretty hard to pick haha I know it may seem as though I'm basing it all on looks, but I don't think anyone wants to read about my little controversy in depth... But I'd love to know what you think LOL Team Jacob or Team Edward?

Image source: Vanity Fair


Nimue said...

defenitely Edward! I love him!:)

Phoebe Rose said...

Team Edward all the way!

Carmen said...

Team Edward, though Jacob is so lovable in the movie.


Anonymous said...

I do not like both of them ,but Jacob is even more loser than Edward :D

Dudù (Schimera Antonio) said...

Wow... wonderfull... wonderfull wonderfull

French Wings said...

WOW he is defenitely hot! haha and of course team Edward!

Sincerely, KC - The Teaching Fashionista said...

Team Edward for suuuure!!! Jacob's a nerd... however I did feel a tad bad for him in New Moon.. he'll get over it though! :o)