5 hours ago
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I felt the necessity to tell you guys something: I went to U.O. today, and got Cheap Monday jeans for $9.99! Yes, 9 dollars and 99 cents! (I have to say that I was extremely lucky because it was the last pair and my size!) I guess there are some advantages of being in a recession. Oh, and I saw The Haunting in Connecticut, and I can't really comment on it because my eyes were closed for about half of the movie... I'm not good with scary/horror flicks lol
Model: Daria Werbowy
Vogue Brazil May 2008
"Glamour Descontraído"Isn't this ed insane!? Daria never fails to impress me. I'm amazed by how she makes a shoot with a plain white background affect me so much. Her facial features are perfect! I don't think any other model could've done better! And I love the styling!
Here are my Spring 09 staples.
I feel so energized this morning, I cleaned my room, and I honestly believe that a clean room is a symbol of a clean mind. It makes me feel so relaxed and so much less tired and stuffy. As a result, I'm so in the mood to get dressed up and be inspired. I decided to make a set that relates to Spring because I can finally feel the freshness of the season coming. I've totally been loving white blazers, after seeing them on MK and other amazing fashion bloggers. I seriously HAVE to get some bleached denim shorts, and I've still been dying for those Balmain sandals!
Blazer - See by Chloé
Shorts - Topshop
Sandals - Balmain
Friday, March 27, 2009
Here's a super duper cute shoot of the GG cast for Rolling Stone Magazine April 09 taken by none other than the uber talented Terry Richardson.
Model: Kate Moss
"As You Like It"
I don't know from what magazine this comes from or when it was taken, but I love it!
Image source: hfgl
Finallyyyy! School has officially ended, and Spring Break has begun! I can't wait for tons of fun moments that will happen in these two following weeks, and most importantly, I can't wait to go shopping every second I can! And to make things even better, today's weather in the city is incredible! I hope your day was equally amazing! xx
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Currently Listening to: Sugar - Flo Rida feat. Wynter
Model: Kasia Struss
Numero # 88 November 2007
Tomorrow will be my last day of school before Spring Break, and I CANNOT wait! Gahhhd I need a vacation so bad. xx
PS. I've been trying to upload the rest of this shoot, but it's not working. I'll try again later. Here's the link if you'd like to see the whole editorial right away.
Image source: modelcouture
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm so sorry for not having posted in a couple days, there's lots of stress revolving around me right now. Other than that, my dad got me the Twilight DVD this weekend. I admit that I've been secretly dying to see it, and I now understand why so many girls are madly in love with Edward Cullen. I have to say I'm more in love with Robert Pattinson, he really is extremely sexy in this movie! But, I guess the fact that he's playing the role of this amazingly romantic vampire helps his sexiness factor! Cam Gigandet (James) isn't so bad either! ;) I know I'm starting to be obsessed five months after the movie actually came out but oh well! lol Oh, I also got the Nylon with Kristen Stewart, I have to say that she looks like such a cool girl, she's very quirky but it works so well. I'm planning to get the GQ with RP later this week.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Jen Brill and Terry Richardson! Love her style and I just love him, I think he may be my favorite photographer.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What I think about rain? I hate it. I don't understand how yesterday's weather was perfect, and today was ruined with rain. At least I left school once it stopped, but it's still unpleasant to see puddles pretty much everywhere and having to avoid them in order to not stain your shoes!
Image source: stylesightings
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How amazing is the styling of this shot?! I love it! Daria is stunning! Otherwise, the reason why I posted this is because this photo is the exact explanation of how I feel right now. I'm tired, sick, and stressed. I have so much homework, it should be illegal. I find that blogging is kind of like therapy, so here I am, blogging my feelings! lol (and watching American Idol) Well I still have a couple more hours to spend of studying, so this will most likely be the last post of the day. Good night!
Wouldn't it be amazing to be the daughter of one of the most recognized fashion icons? Here's an interview about her childhood, mother, and fashion:
"My mother is a more daring dresser but I’ve started to catch up. That said, it’s relative and I’ve always been a bit rebellious. As an eight-year-old, I’d wear black PVC trousers to school, something that was unheard of for students my age who dressed in that bon chic, bon genre grey way, all navy, white or black . . . and there was me with the shiny trousers.
I was 10 or 11, when some of girls at school told me they knew who my mother was. I then began to realise the sort of fashion/design background I came from. She must have been working at French Glamour at the time and sometimes took me on her shoots; great for meeting creative people from all over the world at such a young age. Mario Testino, for example, has worked with my mother from the beginning.
I knew she had a great eye but I didn’t always follow her advice: at one point I went through a stage of wearing purple stripes in my hair and red Doc Martens, the opposite of her style. She understood — she was very tolerant. She would tell me when something looked really ugly, however, and it would really p*** me off because I knew it was true, but I wanted to do things my own way. I’ve never resented what she does or been embarrassed. She was always successful with my guy friends and teachers; I was known for having the cool mum and she’d turn up to all my parent evenings and even a field trip once, so although she was this sort of icon, to me she was still a protective mother.
I’m really impressed by the power of the fashion industry. Some people think that clothes are just things that you wear to cover yourself but I’m blown away because clothes to me are a sort of new pop art. Clothes can be either art or design but need a real purpose. That said, I don’t shop that much. I might buy a bit of Marc by Marc Jacobs because he makes great day to evening dresses, or I go for some vintage at Resurrection in NoLita. When I’m in Paris, though, aside from the odd trip to Miu Miu or Prada, I’d prefer to go to a sex shop in Pigalle for a miniskirt. And of course I also get to raid my mother’s wardrobe because she is incredibly generous.
Celebrity culture is much bigger in New York — and in the States generally — than it is in France. I’m not inspired by many actresses or celebs in France at the moment. I’m a big fan of Brigitte Bardot, who represents my perfect woman, not so much for her clothes but for her attitude. Great style is all about dressing for your body shape or personality. For example, I’ve got an ass and boobs so I dress to celebrate that with a cinched waist or short skirt and some cleavage. It was hugely flattering to be asked to represent Tom Ford’s first perfume. I was so surprised because it came out of the blue. To do this for a perfume is a big deal but more so because it is Tom Ford, and it’s even bigger because it’s his first.
It’s liberating living in New York. I can dress pretty much how I want to and people are less judgmental than they are in France. In Paris, women have this very classic touch that perhaps some New Yorkers envy, but it is very, very conservative. People have such fun with their clothes here and they are open to new ideas.
The talk of rivalry between myself and Anna Wintour’s daughter, Bee Schaffer, is just silly. I’m about ten years older than her for a start, and we have a completely different circle of friends. Why would you expect us to hang out together? Then there’s this whole fashion dynasty thing that gets reported on a lot in gossip columns about so-and-so snubbing each other. I’ve known Margherita Missoni for a long time and we have the same international group of friends and go to the same places. Is that so strange?"
Interview source: times
30 VS. 17
Photographer: Mario Sorrenti
Fashion Editor: Emmanuelle Alt
Vogue Paris November 2008
"Trente Ans Versus Dix-Sept Ans"
Anna, Carine, Jessica, Heidi... Seriously, I don't think I could ever ask for a better list of guests!
And who is this star-studded party for? Purple Magazine and the one and only Patrick Demarchelier during Paris Fashion Week!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ahhhh I love Lily! I might be a bit too obsessed, but when you see these photos, don't you wanna go hang out with her? I envy her beauty so much, and she has an amazing sense of style as well!
Image source: stylesightings
Monday, March 16, 2009
Here's an editorial that I've been longing to post since I've started this blog. I never got to post it because I couldn't find it online, fortunately I finally found it last night, which is about 3 years after!
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